Brat Glas eile don Mhodhscoil
Lá an-bhródúil a bhí ann do mhuintir na scoile go léir ar an Déardaoin. Bronnadh an cúigiú brat glas ar phobal na Modhscoile ag searmanas ar líne. Bhí an brat seo bronnta don obair atá déanta ag daltaí na Modhscoile ar “Bithéagsúlacht”. Tá an-chuid oibre déanta ag paistí, múinteoirí agus tuistí na scoile chun an bithéagsúlacht a chur chun tosaigh i mbliana. Bhí an Coiste Glas agus Seomra a 16 ann chun glacadh leis an mbrat. Comhghairdeas le gach éinne as an éacht seo!!
Thursday was a very proud day for us in An Mhodhscoil. We were presented with our fifth Green Schools Flag. The ceremony took place online and The Green Schools Committee along with Seomra 16 were in attendance. The whole school has worked extremely hard in promoting the importance of Biodiversity and how we interact with and have an impact on living things directly and indirectly every day through our lifestyles. We would like to thanks the Coiste Glas, all the students, teachers and parents for all their hard work. An Mhodhscoil abú!!